"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ..."
Matthew 28:19

Bryan & Lisa Tanner
Missionary Acres in Silva, MO
Missionary Acres is a place where those who have faithfully served the Lord Jesus Christ can enjoy their retirement years and continue to serve their Savior.

Peter & Beverly Waud
International Pulpit Supply
A ministry that helps churches fill the pulpit in times of need.

Dan & Jennifer Arnold
Eckental, Germany
Forty to sixty meet for weekly services and the church also hosts weekly classes of the Theological Training Center with the aim of training German men for the ministry.

Brandon & Laura Bowen
West Coast, Madagascar
The primary focus is to plant indigenous, autonomous churches by building relationships through daily tasks of life, visiting, evangelism, and Bible studies.

George & Vera Dapaah
Ghana, West Africa
George is a pastor and church planter. He serves with Solid Rock Baptist Missions in Ghana which partners with IPM. The Bible College includes a Master of Ministry program to prepare future church planters.

Sam & Molly De
Kerala, India
Dr. Sambhu Nath De is a church planter with International Partnership Ministries and president of Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary.

Paul & Carolyn Pierce
Friends of Israel
Paul is a representative for this worldwide evangelical ministry proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.
Joaquin & Jacqui Lopez
Province of Tarragona, Spain
Church planters with several important cities in a 25 miles radius that need Bible believing churches; cities like Tarragona, Reus, Valls and el Vendrell.

Ken & Sharon Loveall
Pastoral Enrichment Program
Ken and Sharon formerly served in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Ken now travels the globe teaching and training pastors. He also teaches by zoom in the Bible College in Peru.